Tuesday, April 16, 2024

75 Moderate - Day 2

Day 2 is off to a flying start! The first workout was a power snatch cycle doing 4 sets of 3 reps at 125lbs, 1 set of 1 rep at 135lbs, 1 set of 1 rep at 145lbs, and 1 set of 1 rep at 155lbs. From there,  my metcon was:

1000m row
50 power cleans @ 95lbs
100 bench press @ 65lbs
150 back squats @ 45lbs
1000m row

I completed the work in just over 37 mins. At the midway point of the day, I'm feeling good and am through more than half of my water. 

I got home from work and immediately passed out (lol). So tired! Woke up and grabbed the missus for a 35 min walk to complete the second workout (outdoors) of the day. Water drank = 115 oz! Dinner was completed 6:55p and i wont be able to eat again until 1055a tomorrow morning (intermittent fasting). All that is left is to hit 'Publish' on the journal...day 2 in the books! 73 days to go 💪🏾

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