Thursday, April 25, 2024

75 Moderate - Day 11

Today was active recovery day. I didn't quite get the message 😮 I decided to rent a lawn aerator. Basically, I can rent one for $70 or, have someone do it for me for $350. So I rented it and had them load it into my truck. Brought it home...but how the heck do I get this 250+ lb bulky object out of my truckbed? I had my spouse come down and after about 15 mins, we were able to 'slow drop' it to the ground.

It took just under 2 hrs to complete it all. But man! That was a full workout all by itself. But now, how do I get it back into my truck to return it? Candace could not lift it with me. So I walked a few doors down and asked every neighbor I thought was home. None of them answered. As I was walking home, another neighbor (a woman) and her 13 year old son were outside. I asked her if he would help which he ecstatically agreed. It took all four of us, me, neighbor, her son and my spouse to get it in the truck. I was so happy they were available to help 

It's been a good day despite being so sore and tired today. I did enjoy a full breakfast at IHOP which helped my energy. Water consumption took all day to reach but I'm getting better at adjusting to the tiredness of this week. Let's hope tomorrow is better. 

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