Friday, November 10, 2017


A picture is worth a thousand words. There are about as many words I could scribe detailing why I feel like this kid.

I live in a home with two teenagers and a wife of more than 20 years. But I can't recall a day in my 42+ years of existence where I have felt so alone and disconnected despite with them all within arms reach. Unless I am helping someone with homework, providing a meal, money, or car service to/from one of their events, the kids don't talk to me. The missus? Well, let's just say silence has been better than talking as I usually get the raw end of the celery stick if we talk. She and I are having some difficult moments. We are both at fault, although I'm sure she feels I am at fault much more. 

I've never been one to live inside my own head or to be alone. I find myself in that boat right now. And it's driving me insane. I've always been 'the social one', the life of the party. Most have moved on, and it makes me wonder. Have I changed? Did they change? Am I changing for the better/worse? How do I move on? Do I need to continue this place of solace and solitude? Hell, am I going crazy?

I can't answer any of those questions currently. But maybe at some future date, I can answer some or all of them. For now, I'll sit on a bottom with my head between my knees living inside my own imagination. Unless, someone wants to get my attention to discuss anything to distract me from myself.

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