Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2010: Halfway Point

It is damn near July 1st, and my first blog in over a friggin year! Where da hell do I start? I obviously can't talk about taekwondo, because hell, I'm nearly a black belt now! The kids? Yeah, they're alive, although there are days i would love to remove them from existence. The missus and I? Wow! Never would i have thought I'd say 20 yrs ago that i would find one woman whom could make life so perfect! We're doing fantastic! November will be 13 yrs of marital bliss! Besides having my parents alive and in love, I couldn't ask for a better mate and friend!

Anyway folk, I hope after the last year, everyone is happy and healthy. My health has improved over the last year because of the additional cardio from taekwondo. It has me wanting to complete a 5K in under 25 mins by the end of the year. Super aggressive, but what's the point in creating a goal that's easy to reach? Until the next time....Hola!


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